Micro-deposits are a method to verify and connect an external account. With your permission, the initiating bank will usually send (2) small deposits to your other (external) bank account.
You will be required to include the account and routing number of your other (external) bank account to the initiating bank. Once settled (typically takes 2-3 days), accurately verifying the amounts of the deposits provides verification that you have access to the (external) bank account. Using micro-deposits is an effective method to manually link two bank accounts if you prefer not to use an automated linking system.
What should I do if I don't see my deposits?
If you do not see your deposits after 3 days, please attempt to link the accounts again. Please confirm all the details entered are correct. If the issue persists, please submit a customer support request.
How much money will be sent to my account?
Micro-deposits are small amounts, anywhere between $0.01 - $0.99.