- Log into your Atmos account on joinatmos.com. Clicking the top right corner Log in button.
All Atmos account users whether savings/checking account or Solar Loan holder, will log in through this portal. (If you forgot your password, click the password reset button and follow the directions send to your email address)
After logging in, click the linked accounts tab on your account.
*Ensure you have completed the document verification process if you do not see this in the menu of your account.
You can link an account Instantly with Plaid or through Microdeposits.
Instantly requires your external financial institution to be connected to the plaid platform. Type your external account's company name in the search bar. (If you do not see your bank you will need to connect the account manually through micro deposits.)
Choose your Bank log into your account and plaid will link this external account to your Atmos account.
Microdeposits require a few days from your bank to complete. Clicking this option requires you to complete the link a New Account form with the external account's: Bank Name, Account number and routing number. This will send a small deposit to this account in the next few days.
After these deposits appear in the external account a few days later, log back into the linked accounts page and click the verify button. To completely link your Micro deposit account type in the 2 two deposited amounts to your external accounts.
Congratulations you now have a linked external account with Your Atmos Account!