When you have the choice between a Checking and Saving account for payment, we always recommend choosing your Checking account to avoid payment disruptions and late fees.
Using a checking account is a common method for paying bills and more compatible with other institutions. For example, you can set up auto pay though many banks, credit card companies and utility services ie: J.P Morgan (Chase), Universities, Venmo, etc. They will not take a savings account went making electronic payments. For that reason, when making any bill/utility auto payments we recommend using your Checking account Only.
When paying with a checking account, you will need to make sure your account has an adequate balance before your due dates arrive. You could do this by manually transferring money from your savings to your checking account before bills are due or by setting up an automatic transfer from your savings account. Bounced payments or overdraft fees can result if you don't have enough money in your account.