You can make a one-time payment or or recurring loan payments to your principal balance by following the steps below. Your payment will be used to reduce the principal balance of the loan only after paying any accrued interest and it will not be used to prepay for future months.
- After logging on to your Atmos Account, click the Home Solar Loan tab at the bottom of the page to view your solar loan information.
- Click the Move Money tab and Make a Transfer.
- On From Account click the dropdown menu arrow, choose your account you are paying from.
*If an account is linked via Plaid the account numbers will differ from your normal numbers due to plaid encryption security. -
For To Account click "Atmos Solar Loan(...000)"
*It will appear as "Atmos" for mobile devices. - At Frequency click One-time payment or Recurring payment.
In Amount enter the amount you would like pay off. This will show you a breakdown depending on your interest and currently due statement showing how much will be a principle of your solar loan after clicking the Pay More button. *This payment will be used to reduce the principal balance of the loan only after paying any accrued interest. In the picture below they are behind on their monthly loan payments. This means that $1,200 $525 is going to the past due monthly statement and $674 is to the principal.
*Before your first principal payment you will need to link an account or have funds in one of your Atmos Accounts.