Solar loan Investment Tax Credit
Before applying for a loan application
- How does the Solar Loan application process work?
- Can Roof repairs be included in the solar loan?
- What additional information is required to complete my loan?
- What additional costs can be included in my Atmos solar loan?
- Do I have to get my home appraised?
- Can I refinance or prepay my solar loan?
Solar Loan application process
- How is the loan pricing structured and what is your minimum loan amount?
- Will Atmos actually hold my loan?
- What happens after I sign the loan agreement?
- What if I don’t agree with the installers/contractors final bid?
- How do I know what loan option is best for me?
- Can I take time to think about it before moving forward with my solar loan?
General Questions
- Where can I view my monthly Atmos Solar Statement Information?
- How to make a solar loan payment by check.
- Solar Loan Setup Guide
- How to make payments to your Solar Loan principal.
- How do I set up monthly Solar Loan Auto payments from my external account?
- What makes Atmos Financial different from other financial institutions?
Solar Installer FAQ
- What is the max ppw or Price per watt for a loan?
- What is the payment structure for installers?
- What criteria does Atmos consider when selecting a solar installer?
- Describe the structure of an Atmos Solar Loan
- What if the installation time is longer than 6 months?
- What if the installation time is less than 6 months?